Thursday, February 28, 2013

Joan Rivers Mocks Adele's Weight: Fair or Foul?


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ScienceDaily: Child Development News

ScienceDaily: Child Development News Read the latest research in child development including how newborns learn to think, how sleep patterns emerge, problems with toddlers and more.en-usThu, 28 Feb 2013 11:29:09 ESTThu, 28 Feb 2013 11:29:09 EST60ScienceDaily: Child Development News For more science articles, visit ScienceDaily.Eating junk food while pregnant may make your child a junk food addict A healthy diet during pregnancy is critical to the future health of your children. New research suggests that pregnant mothers who consume junk food cause developmental changes of the opioid signaling pathway in the brains of their unborn children. Consequently, these children are less sensitive to opioids released upon consumption of foods high in fat and sugar, and need to eat more to achieve a "feel good" response.Thu, 28 Feb 2013 10:34:34 EST with autism show increased positive social behaviors when animals are present The presence of an animal can significantly increase positive social behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorders, according to new research.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 18:35:35 EST epics were written in 762 BCE, give or take, new study suggests One of literature's oldest mysteries is a step closer to being solved. A new study dates Homer's The Iliad to 762 BCE and adds a quantitative means of testing ideas about history by analyzing the evolution of language.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 18:33:33 EST children for their personal qualities may backfire Praising children, especially those with low self-esteem, for their personal qualities rather than their efforts may make them feel more ashamed when they fail, according to new research.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 18:33:33 EST grade math skills set foundation for later math ability Children who failed to acquire a basic math skill in first grade scored far behind their peers by seventh grade on a test of the mathematical abilities needed to function in adult life, according to researchers.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 15:13:13 EST explores factors that impact adolescent mental health Research indicates that half of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by age 14, well before adulthood. Three new studies investigate the cognitive, genetic and environmental factors that may contribute to mental health disorders in adolescence.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 15:12:12 EST Develop digital games to improve brain function and well-being Neuroscientists should help to develop compelling digital games that boost brain function and improve well-being, say two professors specializing in the field.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 13:43:43 EST connects early childhood with pain, depression in adulthood New research examines how childhood socioeconomic disadvantages and maternal depression increase the risk of major depression and chronic pain when they become adults.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 12:19:19 EST studies link gene to selfish behavior in kids, find other children natural givers Most parents would agree that raising a generous child is an admirable goal -- but how, exactly, is that accomplished? New results shed light on how generosity and related behaviors -- such as kindness, caring and empathy -- develop, or don't develop, in children from 2 years old through adolescence.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 10:29:29 EST'Network' analysis of brain may explain features of autism A look at how the brain processes information finds distinct pattern in autistic children. Using EEGs to track the brain's electrical cross-talk, researchers found structural difference in brain connections. Compared with neurotypical children, those with autism have multiple redundant connections between neighboring brain areas at expense of long-distance links. The study, using "network analysis" like with airlines or electrical grids, may help in understanding some classic autistic behaviors.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 10:20:20 EST risk of sleep disorder narcolepsy in children who received swine flu vaccine A study finds an increased risk of narcolepsy in children and adolescents who received the A/H1N1 2009 influenza vaccine (Pandemrix) during the pandemic in England.Tue, 26 Feb 2013 19:40:40 EST reinforces learning: Children?s brains transform subconsciously learned material into active knowledge During sleep, our brains store what we have learned during the day a process even more effective in children than in adults, new research shows.Tue, 26 Feb 2013 08:11:11 EST levels of several toxic metals found in children with autism Researchers have found significantly higher levels of toxic metals in children with autism, compared to typical children. They hypothesize that reducing early exposure to toxic metals may help lessen symptoms of autism, though they say this hypotheses needs further examination.Mon, 25 Feb 2013 16:22:22 EST good is good for you: Volunteer adolescents enjoy healthier hearts Giving back through volunteering is good for your heart, even at a young age, according to researchers.Mon, 25 Feb 2013 16:22:22 EST a voice to kids with Down syndrome A new case study shows children with Down syndrome can benefit from conventional stuttering treatment.Mon, 25 Feb 2013 12:20:20 EST reveals autism risk at birth, study finds Low-birth-weight babies with a particular brain abnormality are at greater risk for autism, according to a new study that could provide doctors a signpost for early detection of the still poorly understood disorder.Mon, 25 Feb 2013 11:25:25 EST talking about their own drug use to children could be detrimental Parents know that one day they will have to talk to their children about drug use. The hardest part is to decide whether or not talking about ones own drug use will be useful in communicating an antidrug message. Recent research found that children whose parents did not disclose drug use, but delivered a strong antidrug message, were more likely to exhibit antidrug attitudes.Fri, 22 Feb 2013 08:31:31 EST make older adults less forgetful in memory tests Scientists have found compelling evidence that older adults can eliminate forgetfulness and perform as well as younger adults on memory tests. The cognitive boost comes from a surprising source -- a distraction learning strategy.Thu, 21 Feb 2013 14:39:39 EST human language could have evolved from birdsong: Researchers propose new theory on deep roots of human speech The sounds uttered by birds offer in several respects the nearest analogy to language," Charles Darwin wrote in "The Descent of Man" (1871), while contemplating how humans learned to speak. Language, he speculated, might have had its origins in singing, which "might have given rise to words expressive of various complex emotions." Linguistics and biology now researchers propose a new theory on the deep roots of human speech.Thu, 21 Feb 2013 14:16:16 EST life stress may take early toll on heart function Early life stress like that experienced by ill newborns appears to take an early toll of the heart, affecting its ability to relax and refill with oxygen-rich blood, researchers report.Thu, 21 Feb 2013 10:43:43 EST pathway linked to fetal alcohol risk: Molecular switch promises new targets for diagnosis and therapy Scientists have identified a molecular signaling pathway that plays an important role in the development of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.Wed, 20 Feb 2013 17:07:07 EST children can suffer lasting psychological harm as adults Bullied children grow into adults who are at increased risk of developing anxiety disorders, depression and suicidal thoughts, according to a new study.Wed, 20 Feb 2013 16:36:36 EST with brain lesions able to use gestures important to language learning Children with brain lesions suffered before or around the time of birth are able to use gestures -- an important aspect of the language learning process -- to convey simple sentences.Wed, 20 Feb 2013 12:34:34 EST movement to 'dry run' mental imagery enhances performance Adding movement to mental rehearsal can improve performance finds a new study. For high jumpers the study shows that dynamic imagery improves the number of successful attempts and the technical performance of jumps The technique of mental rehearsal is used to consolidate performance in many disciplines including music and sport. Motor imagery and physical practice use overlapping neural networks in the brain and the two together can improve performance as well as promoting recovery from injury.Tue, 19 Feb 2013 20:15:15 EST marker of dyslexia discovered: Ability to consistently encode sound undergirds the reading process Researchers believe they have discovered a biological marker of dyslexia, a disorder affecting up to one out of 10 children that makes learning to read difficult. The researchers found a systematic relationship between reading ability and the consistency with which the brain encodes sounds. The good news: Response consistency can be improved with auditory training.Tue, 19 Feb 2013 17:21:21 EST protein differs in males, females Male rat pups have more of a specific brain protein associated with language development than females, according to a new study. The study also found sex differences in the brain protein in a small group of children. The findings may shed light on sex differences in communication in animals and language acquisition in people.Tue, 19 Feb 2013 17:21:21 EST in poverty show different physiological vulnerabilities to the care-giving environment Some infants raised in poverty exhibit physical traits that make them more vulnerable to poor care-giving, according to new research. The combination of physiological vulnerability and poor care-giving may lead these children to show increased problem behaviors later in childhood.Tue, 19 Feb 2013 14:10:10 EST therapy improves behavior in children with autism, study suggests Weekly music therapy sessions can have a positive effect on behavior in children with autism, reports a new article. In a study of 41 children, improvements were seen particularly in inattentive behaviors over a ten month period.Tue, 19 Feb 2013 14:01:01 EST risk of preterm birth for pregnant women vaccinated during pandemic flu Pregnant women who received the H1N1 influenza vaccine during the 2009 pandemic were less likely to have premature babies, and their babies weighed more on average.Tue, 19 Feb 2013 12:13:13 EST, shared activities are 'game changers' for dad/daughter relationships The most frequent turning point in father-daughter relationships is shared activity -- especially sports -- ahead of such pivotal events as when a daughter marries or leaves home, according to a new study.Tue, 19 Feb 2013 12:12:12 EST there a link between childhood obesity and ADHD, learning disabilities? A new study has established a possible link between high-fat diets and such childhood brain-based conditions as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and memory-dependent learning disabilities.Tue, 19 Feb 2013 12:10:10 EST with auditory processing disorder may now have more treatment options Researchers are helping children with auditory processing disorder receive better treatment. They have developed a program that uses evidence-based practices and incorporates speech-language pathologists into therapy.Tue, 19 Feb 2013 12:09:09 EST'Simplified' brain lets the iCub robot learn language The iCub humanoid robot will now be able to understand what is being said to it and even anticipate the end of a sentence.Tue, 19 Feb 2013 10:26:26 EST may be educational, but what is that TV show really teaching your preschooler? Most parents carefully select what television programs and movies their children can watch. But a psychologist says educational shows could come with an added lesson that influences a child?s behavior. Children exposed to educational programs were more aggressive in their interactions than those who weren't exposed.Tue, 19 Feb 2013 10:21:21 EST, anger or pain: Why do babies cry? Researchers have studied adults' accuracy in the recognition of the emotion causing babies to cry. Eye movement and the dynamic of the cry play a key role in recognition. It is not easy to know why a newborn cries, especially amongst first-time parents. Although the main reasons are hunger, pain, anger and fear, adults cannot easily recognize which emotion is the cause of the tears.Tue, 19 Feb 2013 09:06:06 EST new light on infant brain development A new study finds that the infant brain does not control its blood flow the same way as the adult brain, that the control of brain blood flow develops with age. These findings could change the way researchers study brain development in infants and children.Mon, 18 Feb 2013 16:41:41 EST TV in childhood linked to long-term antisocial behavior, New Zealand study shows Children and adolescents who watch a lot of television are more likely to manifest antisocial and criminal behavior when they become adults, according to a new study.Mon, 18 Feb 2013 09:27:27 EST stress responses may lead to obesity in children Children who overreact to stressors may be at risk of becoming overweight or obese, according to researchers.Sun, 17 Feb 2013 08:53:53 EST billboards driving us to distraction? There's a billboard up ahead, a roadside sign full of language and imagery. Next stop: the emotionally distracted zone.Thu, 14 Feb 2013 13:40:40 EST therapy for children with autism can impact brain function Using functional magnetic resonance imaging for before-and-after analysis, a team of researchers discovered positive changes in brain activity in children with autism who received a particular type of behavioral therapy.Thu, 14 Feb 2013 12:06:06 EST babies know their grammar by 7 months Babies as young as seven months can distinguish between, and begin to learn, two languages with vastly different grammatical structures, according to new research.Thu, 14 Feb 2013 11:16:16 EST of language in human and bird biology: Genes activated for human speech similar to ones used by singing songbirds The neuroanatomy of human speech and bird song share structural features, behaviors and now gene expression patterns.Thu, 14 Feb 2013 11:16:16 EST of musical harmony is not nature but nurture Our love of music and appreciation of musical harmony is learnt and not based on natural ability, a new study has found.Thu, 14 Feb 2013 10:38:38 EST good side of the prion: A molecule that is not only dangerous, but can help the brain grow A few years ago it was found that certain proteins, called prions, when defective are dangerous, as they are involved in neurodegenerative syndromes such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and Alzheimer's disease. But now research is showing their good side, too: when performing well, prions may be crucial in the development of the brain during childhood, as observed by a study carried out by a team of neuroscientists in Italy.Thu, 14 Feb 2013 07:54:54 EST and beverages not likely to make breast-fed babies fussy Many new moms fear that eating the wrong foods while breast-feeding will make their baby fussy. However, no sound scientific evidence exists to support claims that certain foods or beverages lead to fussiness in infants, according to a registered dietitian.Wed, 13 Feb 2013 11:45:45 EST some people don't learn well: EEG shows insufficient processing of information to be learned The reason why some people are worse at learning than others has been revealed. Researchers have discovered that the main problem is not that learning processes are inefficient per se, but that the brain insufficiently processes the information to be learned.Wed, 13 Feb 2013 08:23:23 EST teach parents to respect the environment A child can directly influence the attitude and behavior of their parents towards the environment without them even knowing it. Researchers have, for the first time, provided quantitative support for the suggestion that environmental education can be transferred between generations and that it can actually affect behavior.Tue, 12 Feb 2013 21:00:00 EST autism risk with folic acid supplements in pregnancy Women who took folic acid supplements in early pregnancy almost halved the risk of having a child with autism. Beginning to take folic acid supplements later in pregnancy did not reduce the risk.Tue, 12 Feb 2013 17:22:22 EST autism behaviors linked to altered gene Scientists have identified a genetic mutation that may underlie common behaviors seen in some people with autism, such as difficulty communicating and resistance to change.Tue, 12 Feb 2013 17:19:19 EST with autism spectrum disorder need help transitioning to adult health care Health care transition (HCT) services help young people with special health care needs such as asthma or diabetes move from pediatric to adult health care. However, youths with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have less access to these services, which are designed to prevent gaps in care and insurance coverage. A researcher recommends that the medical community develop HCT services for individuals with ASD as a way to ensure consistent and coordinated care and increase their independence and quality of life.Tue, 12 Feb 2013 13:19:19 EST create automated 'time machine' to reconstruct ancient languages Ancient languages hold a treasure trove of information about the culture, politics and commerce of millennia past. Yet, reconstructing them to reveal clues into human history can require decades of painstaking work. Now, scientists have created an automated "time machine," of sorts, that will greatly accelerate and improve the process of reconstructing hundreds of ancestral languages.Tue, 12 Feb 2013 11:20:20 EST parenting can violate students' basic needs When is it time for parents to back away? A new study shows that college students with overcontroling parents are more likely to be depressed and less satisfied with their lives. This so-called helicopter parenting style negatively affects students' well-being by violating their need to feel both autonomous and competent. Parental overinvolvement may lead to negative outcomes in children, including higher levels of depression and anxiety. Studies also suggest that children of overinvolved or overcontroling parents may feel less competent and less able to manage life and its stressors. In contrast, evidence suggests that some parental involvement in children's lives facilitates healthy development, both emotionally and socially.Tue, 12 Feb 2013 11:18:18 EST parenting found to negatively affect whole family, even the favored child Parents act differently with different children -- for example, being more positive with one child and more negative with another. A new longitudinal study looking at almost 400 Canadian families has found that this behavior negatively affects not only the child who receives more negative feedback, but all the children in the family. The study also found that the more risks experienced by parents, the more likely they will treat their children differentially.Tue, 12 Feb 2013 10:05:05 EST stereotypes about boys hinder their academic achievement Researchers investigated the role of gender stereotypes. They found that from a very young age, children think boys are academically inferior to girls, and they believe that adults think so, too. Each of the three studies (two of which were experimental) included 150+ participants. Findings suggest that negative academic stereotypes about boys are acquired in children's earliest years of primary education and have self-fulfilling consequences.Tue, 12 Feb 2013 10:05:05 EST children may go above and beyond when helping adults Even very young children understand that adults don't always know best. When it comes to helping, 3-year-olds may ignore an adult's specific request for an unhelpful item and go out of their way to bring something more useful, according to new research.Tue, 12 Feb 2013 09:57:57 EST development: The right kind of early praise predicts positive attitudes toward effort Toddlers whose parents praised their efforts more than they praised them as individuals had a more positive approach to challenges five years later. That?s the finding of a new longitudinal study that also found gender differences in the kind of praise that parents offer their children.Tue, 12 Feb 2013 07:51:51 EST 'Rosetta Stone' reconstructs ancient languages Researchers have used a sophisticated new computer system to quickly reconstruct protolanguages -- the rudimentary ancient tongues from which modern languages evolved.Mon, 11 Feb 2013 16:22:22 EST symptoms persist for most young children despite treatment Nine out of 10 young children with moderate to severe attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) continue to experience serious, often severe symptoms and impairment long after their original diagnoses and, in many cases, despite treatment, according to a federally funded multi-center study.Mon, 11 Feb 2013 16:21:21 EST classroom simulation aids comprehension in hearing-impaired children Training the brain to filter out background noise and thus understand spoken words could help the academic performance and quality of life for children who struggle to hear, but there's been little evidence that such noise training works in youngsters. A new report showed about a 50 percent increase in speech comprehension in background noise when children with hearing impairments followed a three-week auditory training regimen.Mon, 11 Feb 2013 13:50:50 EST study shows substance abuse rates higher in teenagers with ADHD A new study revealed a significantly higher prevalence of substance abuse and cigarette use by adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) histories than in those without ADHD. Researchers also found that, contrary to previous findings, current medications for ADHD do not counter the risk for substance abuse or substance abuse disorder.Mon, 11 Feb 2013 13:48:48 EST


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

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Ikea withdraws meatballs in 21 European countries

STOCKHOLM (AP) ? Swedish furnishings giant Ikea says it is withdrawing meatballs from stores in 21 European countries amid concerns that they could contain horse meat.

Monday's move comes after authorities in the Czech Republic said they had detected horse DNA in tests of 1-kilogram (2.2-pound) packs of frozen meatballs labeled as beef and pork.

Ikea spokeswoman Ylva Magnusson told AP that stores in 21 countries using the same Swedish supplier would remove meatballs from their shelves.

She said that includes most European countries, but not Russia and Norway, which use local suppliers. She added that Ikea stores outside Europe are not affected.


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Monday, February 25, 2013

Chinese vs. Western Development Model in Africa

PRAXIS: The Fletcher Journal of Human Security published in 2012 an article titled "China in Africa: What the Policy of Nonintervention Adds to the Western Development Dilemma."? The author is Madison Condon, a joint J.D./MALD candidate between Harvard Law School and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.?

The article makes the point that Chinese loans and investments are typically made in exchange for securing access to natural resources.? Based on its principles of nonintervention and respect for sovereignty, "China gives this money with little or no strings attached."? The author argues that the Chinese model is a legitimate challenger to Western aid.

While the article contains some annoying imprecision as it intermingles investment, loans and aid, it does offer a useful juxtaposition of the so-called Washington and Beijing Consensus models.?


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, Kerry Washington and More Stun at Spirit Awards


Independent Spirit Awards, Jennifer LawrenceFrazer Harrison/Getty Images

From Jennifer Lawrence's top knot to Matthew McConaughey's sunglasses and wife Camila Alves post-baby bod debut, the Independent Spirit Awards pink carpet was sizzling with stars.?

Check out Nina Dobrev's funky shorts look and Daniel Radcliffe's preppy tie and more celebs frolicking on the red carpet and backstage in Santa Monica at the casual-cool indie kudo fest.

The anti-Oscars pack major star power! Spirit Awards: Backstage & Arrivals


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Modernizing the Military Budget


Brookings Institution

Former defense and foreign policy officials talked about cuts to the U.S. defense budget, maintaining national security, and modernizing the military budget.

Former defense and foreign policy officials talked about cuts to the U.S. defense budget, maintaining national security, and modernizing the military budget.

1 hour, 57 minutes | 61 Views


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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Make a Brownie in the Microwave in Six Minutes

Make a Brownie in the Microwave in Six MinutesWhen you want a fresh-baked dessert, you don't necessarily want to spend a ton of time making it. With this recipe, you can use your microwave to make a brownie in six minutes flat:

  • 2/3 cup of melted butter
  • 1/3 cup of cocoa
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 cup of sugar
  • 1/2 cup of flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla
  • 1 cup of chocolate chips

With those ingredients and a 9x9 pan, you can have brownies in no time. For complete instructions, hit up the full post over at Instructables. If you'd prefer cake, you can microwave one in a mug in minutes as well.

6 Minute Microwave Brownies | Instructables


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North Carolina Symphony Welcomes Grammy Award-winner Kenny G

North Carolina Symphony Welcomes Grammy Award-winner Kenny G
Saxophonist to Bring Signature Jazz Sounds to Meymandi Concert Hall March 1-2

RALEIGH, N.C.?Grammy Award-winning jazz saxophonist Kenny G will bring his signature blend of R&B, pop, and Latin-infused jazz to Meymandi Concert Hall in downtown Raleigh for three performances with the North Carolina Symphony, Friday March 1 at 8 p.m., and Saturday March 2, at 3 p.m. and again at 8 p.m.
In a recording career that spans three decades and 23 albums, Kenny has solidified his reputation as the premiere artist in contemporary jazz. Since the early ?80s, his combination of unparalleled instrumental ability and indelible melodies has resulted in sales of more than 75 million records worldwide (45 million in the U.S. alone) and more than a dozen climbs to the top of Billboard?s contemporary jazz chart.

Kenny was only 17 when he landed a spot with Barry White and his Love Unlimited Orchestra. In 1982, he landed a record deal with Arista and launched a solo career with three critically acclaimed jazz albums. By the ?90s, he was a multi-platinum seller and a frequent collaborator with some of the most iconic figures in American popular music.

Other recording projects include Miracles, the best-selling holiday album of all time, At Last?The Duets Album, released in 2004 and featuring performances by Barbara Streisand, Burt Bacharach and LeAnn Rimes, Rhythm and Romance, his first Latin jazz album and his Concord debut in 2008, and 2010?s Grammy-nominated Heart and Soul, which captures the spirit of the classic R&B that Kenny grew up listening to in his native Seattle.

Tickets to Kenny G range from $59 to $89.? Student tickets are $15.? For more information, go to the North Carolina Symphony?s website at, or call 919.733.2750 or toll free 877.627.6724. Meymandi Concert Hall is located in the Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts, 2 E. South St., in Raleigh.

North Carolina Symphony Pops Series partners are CEI: The Digital Office, Highwoods Properties, Triangle Business Journal, and North State Strategies.

Concert/Event Listings:

North Carolina Symphony

March 1, 8 pm
Meymandi Concert Hall, Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts, Raleigh

March 2, 3 & 8pm
Meymandi Concert Hall, Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts, Raleigh

Program Listing:

North Carolina Symphony
Albert-George Schram, conductor

Hungarian Dance No. 5 in G Minor
Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)

Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 in C Minor (Trans. Karl M?ller-Berghaus)
Franz Liszt (1811-1886)

San Luis Samba (Arr. Bruce Chase)
W.C. Handy (1873-1958)

Tribute to Irving Berlin
Arr. Bruce Healy

?God Bless America?
Irving Berlin (1888-1989)

Selections with Kenny G

About the North Carolina Symphony

Founded in 1932, the North Carolina Symphony performs over 175 concerts annually to adults and school children in more than 50 North Carolina counties. An entity of the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, the orchestra employs 65 professional musicians, under the artistic leadership of Music Director and Conductor Grant Llewellyn, and Resident Conductor William Henry Curry.

Headquartered in downtown Raleigh?s spectacular Meymandi Concert Hall at the Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts and an outdoor summer venue at Booth Amphitheatre in Cary, N.C., the Symphony performs about 60 concerts annually in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill and Cary metropolitan area. It holds regular concert series in Fayetteville, New Bern, Southern Pines and Wilmington?as well as individual concerts in many other North Carolina communities throughout the year?and conducts one of the most extensive education programs of any U.S. orchestra.

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Friday, February 22, 2013

New way to probe Earth's deep interior proposed

Feb. 21, 2013 ? Researchers from Amherst College and The University of Texas at Austin have described a new technique that might one day reveal in higher detail than ever before the composition and characteristics of the deep Earth.

There's just one catch: The technique relies on a fifth force of nature (in addition to gravity, the weak and strong nuclear forces and electromagnetism) that has not yet been detected, but which some particle physicists think might exist. Physicists call this type of force a long-range spin-spin interaction. If it does exist, this exotic new force would connect matter at Earth's surface with matter hundreds or even thousands of kilometers below, deep in Earth's mantle. In other words, the building blocks of atoms -- electrons, protons, and neutrons -- separated over vast distances would "feel" each other's presence. The way these particles interact could provide new information about the composition and characteristics of the mantle, which is poorly understood because of its inaccessibility.

"The most rewarding and surprising thing about this project was realizing that particle physics could actually be used to study the deep Earth," says Jung-Fu "Afu" Lin, associate professor at The University of Texas at Austin's Jackson School of Geosciences and co-author of the study appearing this week in the journal Science.

This new force could help settle a scientific quandary. When earth scientists have tried to model how factors such as iron concentration and physical and chemical properties of matter vary with depth -- for example, using the way earthquake rumbles travel through Earth or through laboratory experiments designed to mimic the intense temperatures and pressures of the deep Earth -- they get different answers. The fifth force, assuming it exists, might help reconcile these conflicting lines of evidence.

Earth's mantle is a thick geological layer sandwiched between the thin outer crust and central core, made up mostly of iron-bearing minerals. The atoms in these minerals and the subatomic particles making up the atoms have a property called spin. Spin can be thought of as an arrow that points in a particular direction. It is thought that Earth's magnetic field causes some of the electrons in these mantle minerals to become slightly spin-polarized, meaning the directions in which they spin are no longer completely random, but have some preferred orientation. These electrons have been dubbed geoelectrons.

The goal with this project was to see whether the scientists could use the proposed long-range spin-spin interaction to detect the presence of these distant geoelectrons.

The researchers, led by Larry Hunter, professor of physics at Amherst College, first created a computer model of Earth's interior to map the expected densities and spin directions of geoelectrons. The model was based in part on insights gained from Lin's laboratory experiments that measure electron spins in minerals at the high temperatures and pressures of Earth's interior. This map gave the researchers clues about the strength and orientations of interactions they might expect to detect in their specific laboratory location in Amherst, Mass.

Second, the researchers used a specially designed apparatus to search for interactions between geoelectrons deep in the mantle and subatomic particles at Earth's surface. The team's experiments essentially explored whether the spins of electrons, neutrons or protons in various laboratories might have a different energy, depending on the direction with respect to Earth that they were pointing.

"We know, for example, that a magnet has a lower energy when it is oriented parallel to the geomagnetic field and it lines up with this particular direction -- that is how a compass works," explains Hunter. "Our experiments removed this magnetic interaction and looked to see if there might be some other interaction with our experimental spins. One interpretation of this 'other' interaction is that it could be a long-range interaction between the spins in our apparatus and the electron spins within the Earth, that have been aligned by the geomagnetic field. This is the long-range spin-spin interaction we were looking for."

Although the apparatus was not able to detect any such interactions, the researchers could at least infer that such interactions, if they exist, must be incredibly weak -- no more than a millionth of the strength of the gravitational attraction between the particles. That's useful information as scientists now look for ways to build ever more sensitive instruments to search for the elusive fifth force.

"No one had previously thought about the possible interactions that might occur between the Earth's spin-polarized electrons and precision laboratory spin-measurements," says Hunter.

"If the long-range spin-spin interactions are discovered in future experiments, geoscientists can eventually use such information to reliably understand the geochemistry and geophysics of the planet's interior," says Lin.

Funding for this research was contributed by the National Science Foundation (grants PHY-0855465, PHY-1205824, EAR-1056670 and EAR-1053446), the Department of Energy's Center for Energy Frontier Research in Extreme Environments (EFree), and the Carnegie/DOE Alliance Center (CDAC).

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Texas at Austin.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. L. Hunter, J. Gordon, S. Peck, D. Ang, J.-F. Lin. Using the Earth as a Polarized Electron Source to Search for Long-Range Spin-Spin Interactions. Science, 2013; 339 (6122): 928 DOI: 10.1126/science.1227460

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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Cheap Auto Insurance Online & The Used Car Market Series | IFA ...

IFA?s Used Car Market Series #5: Where To Sell A Used Car

It has become increasingly more common for policyholders of cheap auto insurance onlineto save money in multiple ways.? Besides selecting low-cost insurance companies in NJ, MD and PA for insurance savings, when it?s time to get rid of an older vehicle, many people are selling cars privately instead of trading them in for a newer model.? Selling a used car on your own can even be a great way to earn extra cash if you?ve already bought a new one.? And nearly always, you can sell a used vehicle for more than what a dealer would typically offer as a trade-in.

Selling Outlets and Options?

Not that long ago people posted ?for sale? signs on a side window while driving their vehicle around town.? Sometimes, people have even displayed their used car for sale at a high-traffic area or near an intersection.? This method remains a great way to sell a used car, although it may have less audience, depending on which city you live in.? In addition, there are other ways to reach a large car-buying audience, the most notable being the internet.? After all, individuals who have bought cheap auto insurance online are already internet savvy and listing your car for sale online can reach thousands of potential buyers.

Commonly Used Online Sources?

  • Craigslist: From castles to cars, people are buying and selling an enormous amount of items on Craigslist.? They receive, at minimum, 40 million hits a month, with some areas having a massive amount of online traffic.? Consequently, Craigslist is an excellent place to post a used car for sale and it is free.? All you have to do is establish an account, list your car, including pictures, and post it.? is another excellent online source for used car sellers, though there may be others in your community as well.
  • eBay Motors:? eBay Motors is another great place to sell your used vehicle.? By posting your car at this auction site, you can reach a nationwide buying audience, even a global one.? It is particularly beneficial if you have a rare or vintage automobile to sell.? When you use eBay?s reserve option, you control the price limit that guarantees you won?t lose money.? Even paying a listing fee and a profit percentage to eBay, they remain an ideal outlet when selling a used car.
  • Auto Trader: This site is dedicated to buying and selling all things automotive, specifically cars and trucks.? Similar to eBay, sellers will have to pay a small listing fee.? Unlike eBay, however, you will not have to pay Auto Trader a percentage of profits earned from the sale of the car.
  • Your Local Paper:? Listing your car for sale both in the print version and online version of your local paper is another excellent source for selling your used vehicle.? Each publication determines fees for sellers, though they are usually quite modest.


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

France Telecom fourth quarter earnings slow on price war

PARIS (Reuters) - France Telecom saw a slowdown in sales and profit in the fourth quarter because of a continued shakeout of its home market spurred by an aggressive low-cost mobile challenger.

Revenue in the fourth quarter fell 3.2 percent to 10.92 billion euros (9.45 billion pounds) on a comparable basis, hit by weakness in France and Poland, the company said on Wednesday.

Restated earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) fell 8.8 percent to 3.13 billion euros for a margin of 28.7 percent versus 30.4 percent a year ago.

Europe's fourth-largest telecom operator by revenue also posted 7.97 billion euros in operating cash flow in 2012, just short of its 8 billion target.

It maintained an earlier goal of hitting operating cash flow above 7 billion euros this year, but acknowledged that the price war in France was not abating as it had hoped.

"We are less optimistic about the end of the price war in France now than we were a few months ago," said Chief Financial Officer Gervais Pellissier. "The pressure on prices will be worse in 2013 than we thought."

Pellissier added that the group nevertheless maintained its objective to return to growth of operating cash flow in 2014, but more by focusing on cost cuts than relying on the stabilisation of sales in France.

(Reporting by Leila Abboud; Editing by James Regan)


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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

KSDK reports that Lindenwood University diving coach Kyle Friesenhahn was arrested on assault charges for trying to punch and sp...

SbB LIVE FROM LA (Feb 19, 2013 @ 11:15am ET)

11:15 AM: The Wichita Eagle reports two brothers celebrated winning a $75,000 lottery ticket by buying some marijuana & meth, but then caused an explosion in their duplex when they tried to light their bongs with butane.

11:00 AM: The home arena for the Traktor Chelyabinsk hockey team, which was damaged in Friday's asteroid explosion, has been cleared by the KHL to host playoffs games starting on Thursday.

10:45 AM: KFOR-TV reports 41-year-old Gannon Mendez was arrested on child abuse charges for allegedly beating his 9-year-old son because the son said he likes Oklahoma better than Oklahoma State. Mendez is also accused of waking his son throughout the night & forcing him to do push-ups.

10:30 AM: Country singer Mindy McCready, who committed suicide on Sunday, reportedly shot a dog that belonged to boyfriend David Wilson before turning the gun on herself. Wilson was found dead at the same Arkansas home last month from an apparent suicide.

10:15 AM: KSDK reports that Lindenwood University diving coach Kyle Friesenhahn was arrested on assault charges for trying to punch and spit at police officers after he was pulled over for driving the wrong way down a street in St. Peters, Missouri.

10:00 AM: Texas A&M QB & 2012 Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Manziel says he's taking all his classes online this semester due to all the attention & autograph requests he gets on campus: "I went one day - it was a small class of 20 or 25 - and it kind of turned into more of a big deal than I thought."

9:00 PM: NBC Dallas-Ft. Worth reports on Justin Nicholas, a Frisco Wakeland High School basketball player who missed the last two months while battling cancer but was allowed to score one final basket during Wakeland's senior night game.

8:45 PM: The Dayton and Gardner-Webb college baseball teams got into a snowball fight during a weather delay in Saturday's game at Boiling Springs, North Carolina.

8:30 PM: During Sunday's first full squad meeting with manager Dale Sveum, Chicago Cubs players took off their jackets to reveal they were all wearing bright orange hunting gear. Sveum was shot in the ear by Robin Yount during a hunting trip this off-season.

8:15 PM: The Kansas City Chiefs have signed safety Husain Abdullah, a practicing Muslim who sat out the 2012 NFL season to go on a speaking tour of mosques across the country & make a pilgrimage to Mecca.

8:00 PM: The Baltimore Sun reports that the city of Baltimore spent $585,000 on a study on how the city can save money.

7:45 PM: NFL Hall of Fame QB Joe Montana & New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton visited Tulane football practice on Monday. Montana's son Nick is a QB for the Green Wave, while Tulane head coach Curtis Johnson was a former Saints assistant under Payton.

7:30 PM: A man was found dead on a golf course in Sunrise, Florida early Monday morning after shots were heard from behind a nearby gentlemen's club.

7:15 PM: Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson said after speaking to NBA owners during All-Star Weekend about keeping the Kings from moving to Seattle: "I can just tell you that everyone I talked to - and I am not going to be specific - but everyone is rooting for Sacramento."

7:00 PM: New Jacksonville Jaguars general manager David Caldwell said he prefers to draft players from big schools: "I'm not saying I would never draft a small-school player, but they would have to dominate that level. I wouldn't say absolutes, but I'm a believer: Big school, big competition."


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World stocks muted ahead of US return from holiday

BANGKOK (AP) ? World stock markets were muted Tuesday, with Asian shares slightly lower after investors drew profits from recent rallies. European markets opened higher a day after the German central bank said the country will likely avoid recession.

The Bundesbank said in its monthly report Monday that the country should avoid recession since it is showing signs of growth so far this year. Europe's largest economy shrank 0.6 percent in the last quarter of 2012. Two straight quarters of falling output is a common definition of recession.

Britain's FTSE 100 rose 0.2 percent to 6,332.39. Germany's DAX advanced 0.5 percent to 7,666.67. France's CAC-40 added 0.6 percent to 3,688.11.

Wall Street appeared headed for a higher open after a three-day holiday weekend. Dow Jones industrial futures gained nearly 0.1 percent to 13,957 and S&P 500 futures rose marginally to 1,517.70.

In Japan, investors went for profits following Monday's strong gains. The Nikkei 225 index fell 0.3 percent to 11,372.34.

Some investors remained on the sidelines, waiting for Japan to announce the next head of its central bank to replace Bank of Japan Gov. Masaaki Shirikawa, who will leave the post in April. Analysts at DBS Bank in Singapore said they expect an announcement before Prime Minister Shinzo Abe meets President Barack Obama on Feb. 22 in Washington.

Abe, elected on promises of bold action to ignite the moribund Japanese economy, is likely to appoint someone with views in line with the program he is championing. One element of the program includes a target of 2 percent inflation to reverse two decades of falling prices, which hurts growth. He also favors a weaker yen.

Japanese stocks have soared in recent weeks as the yen has fallen in anticipation of steps that would push the currency lower.

South Korea's Kospi rose 0.1 percent to 1,985.83. Australia's S&P/ASX 200 added 0.4 percent to 5,081.90.

Hong Kong's Hang Seng index dropped 1 percent to 23,143.91, as traders cashed in shares that have posted sizeable gains in recent weeks, such as gambling stocks. Sands China plunged 4.4 percent. SJM Holdings plummeted 5.3 percent.

"Markets already had very strong cumulative gains, so in the absence of an incentive, the market seems to be undergoing a correction or consolidation," said Kwong Man Bun, the chief operating officer at KGI Securities in Hong Kong.

Mainland Chinese shares lost ground, with the Shanghai Composite Index down 1.6 percent at 2,382.91. The smaller Shenzhen Composite Index lost 1.9 percent to 951.71. Shares in real estate and cement producers weakened.

"A rumor that there would be more policies to control real estate after the recent rise in housing sales led the market down," said Peng Yunliang, an analyst based in Shanghai.

Benchmark oil for March delivery was down 52 cents to $95.34 per barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

In currencies, the euro fell to $1.3352 from $1.3358 late Monday in Asia. The dollar fell to 93.62 yen from 94.05 yen.


Follow Pamela Sampson on Twitter at


AP researcher Fu Ting contributed from Shanghai.


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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Video: Thousands saying thank you to Pope Benedict XVI

>>> it was an overwhelming display of affection outside the vatican today as tens of thousands crowded st. peter's square for one of pope benedict xvi final public appearances. the pope will set step dune 11 days from now setting in motion the search for a new leader and maybe a new direction for the catholic church . nbc's anne thompson is at the vat tan cannes tonight with more. anne?

>> reporter: good evening, lester. tonight, the pope is on a week-long lenten retreat inside vatican with the dives his papacy numbered. now, every public appearance of benedict sass must-s -- benedict 's is a mist-see event. for more than 50,000 people, this was the place to be a vigil of faithful and curious in st. peter's square to say thank you and good-bye to pope benedict xvi .

>> i definitely wanted to come and witness it.

>> reporter: 20-year-old thaddius howard of georgia brought an american flag .

>> i wanted to let the pope know that he is supported by all of us from america.

>> reporter: in six different languages, benedict addressed the crowd.

>> thank you for the prayers and support you have shown me. are.are in german, he spoke of his difficult days. [ speaking german ]

>> reporter: in spanish, he asked for prayers for himself and the future pope. [ speaking spanish ]

>> reporter: benedict 's retirement creates a situation not seen in the church in centuries two living popes. john thavis who could have earth the vatican for 30 years says benedict is not a meddler.

>> he probably will ensure whatever he does, woe never upstage the next pope.

>> reporter: while appreciated today as a holy man, critics say benedict 's executive skills fell woefully short.

>> there's a need for someone who has managerial skills in terms of running the ship of state . neither john paul ii nor benedict were managers by nature.

>> reporter: benedict 's failures made public in documents leaked by his butler last year, laying out the betrayals and infighting in the vatican bureaucracy known as the cure ya, on securing the pope's message and hurting his efforts to revitalize the church. how much of that can be blamed on the kur rhea?

>> i think most of it, frankly.

>> reporter: george weigle, nbc's vatican analyst, says that leaves the next pope with a crucial task.

>> he has to find someone who can clean house and who can make the cure ya an instrument of what we call the new eadvantage lizization now, an impediment to t.

>> reporter: still up in the air, the date when the cardinals will actually start getting down to work to choose a new successor. currently, the conclave is scheduled to start some time between march 15th and march 20th , but the vatican says that date could be moved up. lester?

>> anne thompson in rome tonight.


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Magic ALL STAR Wands: NBA All-Star Game

Written by Philip Rossman-Reich on .

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Houston, Texas

East vs. West ??
Time/TV: 8 p.m./TNT
Line:?West by 2.5
Tickets: $24-$9949 on Vivid Seats
Last Season: West 152, East 149

2012 Game Score Off. Rtg. Def. Rtg. eFG% O.Reb.% TO% FTR
West 152 126.2 124.9 58.6 34.6 7.9 22.4
East 149 124.9 126.2 61.9 39.1 13.8 10.6

Video Vault:

1) Kyrie Irving is gaining respect among his peers in his first weekend as an NBA All Star and is climbing the ranks of NBA point guards, Mary Schmitt Boyer of The Cleveland Plain Dealer writes.

2) Seeing as it is Michael Jordan's 50th birthday, Brian Schmitz of the Orlando Sentinel revisits some of Jordan's "finer" moments against the Magic.

3) The center is dying and the NBA's All-Star Game reflects that, Brian Schmitz of the Orlando Sentinel writes.

4) Patrick Hruby of Sports On Earth asks: Why wouldn't NBA players take performance enhancing drugs?

5) Mike Bianchi of the Orlando Sentinel suggests star college players be given the option to sue the NBA and NFL for preventing them from earning the living they are capable of getting.

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